Buying a Sofa Online: 3 Warning Signs To Look Out For!

We’ve noted that more people are opting to buy MoKo sofas online during this quarantine period (yay!).

To have an easy time vetting fundis and furniture companies when buying a sofa online, here’s our Ph. D-worthy research on the 3 major warning signs that the sofa or the vendor you’re considering is not the best fit for you.

1. Bad online reviews

When you can’t visit an offline display shop, it’s extremely important to check out what other people think of the sofa you’re looking to buy. The seller’s social media pages are the best places to dig up this information. If you flag several customers who are unhappy with the sofa or the seller, you better run dear friend. Run!

But can you really trust online reviews?

Yes, but not always. To avoid falling into the fake reviews trap, check out some of the reviewers’ accounts and judge their authenticity based on their social media activity. A normal account should have more activity involving the person’s friends such as birthday wishes, shared photos and so on.

Better yet, pop the question to your social media fans and ask for a review.

This is what some MoKo customers do before they settle on the decision to buy from us. It’s a great move because you get honest reviews from a group of people that you’re actually more likely to trust. Let’s be real here — checking out a company’s social media pages can sometimes leave you wondering whether the people praising the products have been paid to do so. This is a perfect remedy if you find yourself in that situation.

2. The sofa dimensions don’t match your space.

Before you even go window shopping, you need to know the dimensions of the space where your new sofa will live. Get a tape measure well in advance so that when you contact the provider, you can make it clear what exactly you want.

Make sure you ask for the sofa dimensions.  The fundi or customer care rep should help you figure out if the sofa of your choice fits your space. Imagine realizing that the sofa doesn’t fit once it’s delivered to your house. Such a buzzkill, right?

3. The sofa doesn’t match your style.

Unlike shopping for clothes, buying a sofa comes with a little extra pressure because it’s a long term purchase that you’re not looking to repeat any time soon. Ask the seller everything you need to know, ranging from the available sofa fabrics and colors to the layouts you can achieve with that sofa.

If any of these doesn’t match your style, your best bet here is to move along and find a sofa that sits well with you. The last thing you want is to buy something you don’t like and end up regretting it every single day.

Over to you

All we want for you is the joy that comes with making an informed purchase. Armed with those three warning signs, you can hardly go wrong.

Do we want you to double that joy by buying a MoKo sofa? Of course, we do. (insert irresistible smile) Whether you’re looking to buy today or simply window shopping, contact our heart-warming customer care team for any sofa inquiries you’d like to make.


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